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Friday, September 16, 2011

Unremarkable runs with some minor Magic Find charms

Lately it seems like I find nothing of interest in Lower Kurast, even at /players 8. Run after run I was barely finding anything in the "special chests." I tried popping them without attacking anything around, popping them after attacking everything around and nothing remarkable seemed to come out of the chests or from the monsters. The only runes that dropped with very low El and ELD runes, there were only 5 or 6 flawless gems (in more than 40 runs), and really almost nothing else of interest.

The only slightly interesting items were a few charms that dropped with Magic Find ability. One was a large charm with 4% MF which I don't think I'll use at this point because it's more of a waste of space for 4%.

I think what's happened is I must have a map that doesn't have a lot of good drops on it. Between the map and the seed (it should be all seed) it just doesn't seem like a profitable map, so the next job is to switch maps.

Over the next couple of days I won't get to play Diablo II. There are just too many events going on to allow me to relax with a good game of D2. So until late Saturday or so....

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