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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Runes, runes, runes

I've been cubing up runes since level 1. Now that Slicer is level 86 he actually has just over half a storage space full of runes (because they're mostly cubed up). Sadly Slicer isn't even close to a Ber rune.

I spoke about running Lower Kurast for runes in hope that a Ber might drop. A few runes dropped, the occasional Dol rune, a Hel rune, but not much better. And even after a lot of LK runs I still didn't see a lot of runes.

I decided to run Nightmare Countess with /players 8 and ran into 2 Dol runes, a couple of Sol runes, and a bunch of minor runes. Running Nightmare Countess at /players 8 isn't bad if you don't mind cubing up and doing a lot of runs.

Then I thought I'd try Hell countess at /players 8, but with a twist... I wouldn't do /players 8 until the stairway between the 4th and 5th level to prevent Slicer from being slowed down by nasty bosses along the way. When I went down to the 5th level of the tower I was almost immediately attacked by a boss (not the countess), killing the minions and the boss turned up an amazing Fal rune (level 41). It's not a really high rune, but I lost a Lum (39) the other day, so Fal is a nice replacement. I think this makes 3 Fal runes for me now.

My highest rune, a single Ohm rune is 3 runes less than Ber, which is 1 rune less than Jah, both of which are needed for Enigma. It seems I have a better chance of doing Call to Arms (I could except for the Mal rune). Lots of work to do. Thinking of running Hell Countess a few more times, but not tonight.

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