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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Gheed's Fortune Grand Charm

With it getting harder and harder to gain experience (check out the experience bar - almost there for another level) I needed to find motivation to continue. Usually I see the same stuff dropping over and over again Thul runes, Amn runes, Ort and Tal runes, and then something totally shocking drops like the Gheed's Fortune Grand Charm that dropped for me in Lower Kurast. I love it! 34% extra magic, 151% extra gold and a 12% reduction in vendor prices (not that I've bought anything except potions). I wonder if this means it will be slightly cheaper to resurrect my NPC?

It's a nice find for a Lower Kurast run. I was simply trying to level, but when this charm popped out I freaked. I've had a few 75+ level characters and this is the first time I've had a unique charm drop. I wasn't even sure if they would drop in solo mode because I'd never seen one before in solo. Definitely cool!

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