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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Frozenstein dead, Anya rescued

After quite a bit of caution and killing almost everything in the way I managed to kill Frozen stein (who wasn't electrified this time) and rescue Anya.

For the moment I've decided to empty most of my stash and do lower kurast hell mode runs in a really useless attempt to cube up to something decent. Likely I won't get many runes, but we'll see what pops out of the sparkly chests. It's good experience at the very least.

I'd run a particular area, but the very best chance I could get is already gone (Andarial Quest in Hell) and that's a 1 in 80,000 chance of a drop. It's better than playing the local lottery, but 80k... Cubing up is painful.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing resulted from the first run, only a couple of flawless gems which I used to cash in to repair my armor (314k to repair)... A few large and small useless charms, no runes. I'm wondering if its better to run LK fast or be thorough?
