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Friday, October 14, 2011

Validity of builds in solo mode

The fact that I was able to defeat Baal in Hell and become a Patriarch in solo mode without using a level editor validates the fact that builds work. What isn't so valid is expecting to get the exact equipment listed for a build. I'm not saying you won't get some pieces for a build, just not to expect most pieces without a huge time investment in the game.

Lets examine Slicer versus the typical Hammerdin build. Slicer has Blessed Hammer and all it's synergies maxed and did so before level 86. He's a force to contend with but still quite weak against magic immunes and fast strong creatures. But what we want to look at is the equipment comparison:

Armor: Dusk Shroud socketed with Stealth Rune word (For the +25% FCR and FHR), Enigma is the standard.
Amulet: Mara's Kaleidoscope, Hell Diablo (Quest) dropped it.
Helm: Lore rune word in a high defense helm
Weapon: Forget which unique but gives +1 to All Skills.

In short, the only item from the Hammerdin build I have is Mara's Amulet. Later I found Gheed's Fortune, but not really counting it since I'm thinking about items that are helpful in solo combat. (not that I'm complaining about finding it, it's very cool).

I've been reading lately that The Pit in Act 1 Hell is a great place to magic find high level items. What I read was written for patch 1.10, but it may still hold for 1.13. It's supposedly easier than running later areas, but I suspect this may not be true for Slicer, who may get cut down easier by ranged monsters with cold (even though Slicer has max cold resist). Still it's a thought for some of the other uniques in the Hammerdin set.

When I started looking at the chances to get some of those uniques, Arachnid's Mesh for Example, it occurred to me that it's really almost impossible in solo to get the majority of build items without an editor. Sadly the highest percentage of drops usually comes from quest bosses. Once you've defeated the boss for the quest that higher percentage is no longer valid. And these higher percentages are sometimes in a ratio of 1:1200 (at best) or more. It's discouraging.

I'm looking at The Pit as an opportunity both to possibly find a few good uniques and as a platform for leveling.

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