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Friday, October 7, 2011

Jewel of a time

Jewels are not something I use as a rule when playing Diablo II. I've been accumulating jewels along the way and storing them. This Jewel mule is almost full.

I used to do a lot of crafting and may still after my quest for more and more runes. At this point the rune situation is an Ohm, 2 x Lums, 2 x Lems, 2 x Dols, and a bunch of lesser runes.

I checked rune drop stats. What I see is out of 65 nightmare countess runs the IO rune should drop at least once. I'm testing this theory. After 4 or 5 runes the highest rune to drop so far has been Dol. The rest have been very minor. I've also had an enormous unique sword and a couple of set item belts drop.

When I investigated IO I discovered that it drops the same chance or higher in nightmare as hell... so no point in running hell mode.

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