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Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Pit - Part II

The Pit in Hell mode is suppose to be one of the most profitable places to run because of the high level of the area. According to different sources it's roughly equivalent to running Baal. I found it wasn't nearly like running Baal, but it also wasn't as difficult as running Baal.

Slicer really couldn't handle the Pit at /players 8. He made it into the pit, but it was clear that he was going to get cut down (he never died, but those darn archers were doing some serious damage). So I switched to /players 1 and ran The Pit a bunch of times.

After 3 runs there was nothing remarkable dropping. Then on the fourth run both an Angelic Halo ring and an Io rune. At level 35 Io isn't a remarkably high rune, but it at least indicates potential for other high runes to drop.

The problem is The Pit takes time to get to. I could run as fast as I could, but then Slicer would probably get cut down, or pretty close. Running the pit also takes a lot more time than popping chests in Lower Kurast. That said... Io, Io, it's off to the pit we go.

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