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Friday, August 26, 2011

Diablo Hell down

Diablo fell to slicer in Hell mode relatively easily (e.g. Slicer didn't die or have to open a portal home). And Diablo dropped Mara's Kaleidoscope, a unique amulet recommended for Hammerdins. This makes 2 items from one of the recommended lists I now have (the other is Trang's gloves). Funny enough I believe my crafted amulet is almost better since it has 5% FCR, +15 mana, Regenerate mana +7%, All resistances +12% and +2 to combat skills.
Mara's is +2 to all skills so it may be better, but for now I'm not using it.

I managed to also complete the first couple of quests in Act 5 before getting swarmed and crushed by Thresh Socket. The crowd was overwhelming and had Slicer in a corner. Stealth in a Dusk Shroud just isn't enough. Enigma is nice, but running LK thousands of times is out of the question at this point.

I was also really lucky Diablo dropped the Burning Essence of Terror. At this point I could probably run Diablo without too much problem, the real problem is some of his minion, particularly if I'm not paying enough attention. HOTO is not really far off. I can probably cube up enough in a few weeks for this, but Enigma is the really elusive problem here.

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